The best way to reach us is by email at hello@baresolutionss.se. You can also book a phone appointment through our booking system. Please note, we're usually with customers and may not be able to answer the phone, but feel free to give it a try!
If you have an existing booking, you can reply directly to your booking confirmation SMS. It's a two-way communication system, so just keep the message short — for example, "I have a booking, can I get help moving it?" Our system will let us know who’s reaching out. This option is available only for customers who have a booking or have had one with us.
We’re all about giving our clients 100% attention during their treatments—so we don’t take calls during the day... unless they are prebooked.
Need to chat with us? We have a bookable phone appointment or an in-studio visit under the Reception section on our booking page. We’d love to help you out!
For quick questions, drop us an email or message us on social media.
Canceling is simple! You can:
- Log in to our online booking system, find your appointment, and click cancel.
- Email us—we check this most often, so it’s the most reliable way to ensure we get your message.
- Reply to your SMS booking confirmation with your cancellation request.
Please remember to cancel at least 24 hours in advance to avoid charges. Thanks for helping us keep things running smoothly!
If you're running late, don't worry! Just send us an SMS reply to your booking confirmation as soon as you can. No need to stress — there’s no appointment that’s worth making you panic.
Depending on availability, we’ll do our best to adjust your treatment time. However, if you're more than 15 minutes late, we may need to reschedule. Either way, we’ll work it out together, calmly and without stress.
If you miss your appointment without prior notice, you may be charged a cancellation fee. We recommend giving us a heads-up if you can’t make it.
Jätteviktigt! När du bokar din behandling bekräftar du att du läst igenom och godkänner nedanstående bokningsvillkor.
AV- och OMBOKNINGSVILLKOR (gäller även vid sjukdom)
* Avbokningar och ombokningar gjorda senare än 24 timmar innan bokad behandling debiteras med 50% av den bokade behandlingens pris. Detta gäller oavsett anledning och även vid sjukdom. Vi önskar att du verkligen är införstådd med detta innan du bokar din behandling.
* Du debiteras full kostnad om du inte dyker upp till din bokade behandling.
* Avbokning görs endast via inloggningen här, alternativt via mail till hello@baresolutions.se. Avbokningar kan _inte_ göras via telefon.
* Barn får under inga som helst omständigheter medtagas till salongen.
* Alla tider är cirkatider (din behandling kan alltså starta något senare än på utsatt tid).
* Du som bokar måste vara minst 18 år gammal.
Samtliga villkor och en FAQ hittar du på www.baresolutions.se/pages/bokningspolicy. -
We can only accommodate extra guests if they are part of your appointment, such as an interpreter or medical support. To respect the privacy of our clients and maintain the safety of everyone in our clinic, we are unable to allow friends or family members to join you.
Additionally, our clinic is not suitable for children, some of our clients visit us for a child-free experience, and we aim to provide that for them.
You can pay for your appointment online at the time of booking or in person using cash, card, Klarna & swish.
Payments with Klarna can have an small extra fee added to them.
Yes! but only for the appointments that have the label (friskvård).
Please do not ask us to process your friskvård for another treatment - it makes our employees very uncomfortable and puts them in a tricky situation.
If you need help with processing your friskvård via an app please ask us for info before appointment.
If you have any questions or need further assistance after your appointment, you can reach out to us via email or our SMS system, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Yes! You can purchase gift cards for any of our treatments directly through our website.
If you are short on time but want a physical card you can buy online and pick up at the clinic. Just remember to book a pick up appointment via our online booking calendar so we are sure to be available.
You can always reach us by email at hello@baresolutionss.seor reply to your booking confirmation SMS. We're here to help!